Living Facilities in Walsh, Colorado
The Town of Walsh is home to three very nice facilities which are designed to meet the needs of persons who require housing or living assistance due to limitations resulting from age, disability and/or income. Each facility offers specific options, and applicants must meet certain criteria for acceptance. Anyone needing a change in living arrangements, whether it is for long-term care, assisted living, downsizing or accessibility, is certain to find a suitable alternative to their current situation.
The Town of Walsh is home to three very nice facilities which are designed to meet the needs of persons who require housing or living assistance due to limitations resulting from age, disability and/or income. Each facility offers specific options, and applicants must meet certain criteria for acceptance. Anyone needing a change in living arrangements, whether it is for long-term care, assisted living, downsizing or accessibility, is certain to find a suitable alternative to their current situation.
Maplewood Homes
Assisted Living
213 West Maplewood
Walsh, Colorado 81090
Assisted Living
213 West Maplewood
Walsh, Colorado 81090
Walsh Healthcare Center
Long Term Care
150 North Nevada
Walsh, Colorado 81090
WHC on Facebook
Walsh Housing Authority
Walsh Healthcare Center
Long Term Care
150 North Nevada
Walsh, Colorado 81090
WHC on Facebook
Walsh Housing Authority
DBA Holt Manor
Lesa Selman, Mgr.
105 West Maplewood
Walsh, Colorado 81090
Lesa Selman, Mgr.
105 West Maplewood
Walsh, Colorado 81090